1. Take a SQL backup of Shareknowledge DB

2. Export Learning Materials Library through the SharePoint Central Administration or with powershell

Export-SPWeb -ItemUrl 'materials' -Identity 'ShareKnowledgeURL/courses/' -Path 'c:\lib_export' -IncludeVersions All -NoFileCompression

3. Perform clean installation of ShareKnowledge in the new environment (use temporary name for the ShareKnowledge DB)

4. Restore the ShareKnowledge DB from the backup

5. Modify the system property Deplyment.ConnectionString (/administration/skpages/administration/properties.aspx). Change the name of the ShareKnowledge DB from temporary to the name of the restored DB

6. Upload the license (it has to be generated for the new farm using the new installation ID (/administration/skpages/administration/licenses.aspx))

7. Copy the exported Learning Materials Library files to the new environment and import the Library through the SharePoint Central Administration or with powershell

Import-SPWeb -Identity 'ShareKnowledgeURL/courses/' -Path 'C:\lib_export' -UpdateVersions Overwrite -NoFileCompression -IncludeUserSecurity

8. Perform following SQL query

SET elo.RevisionDate = L.TimeLastModified
FROM [Your_ShareKnowledgeDB].Assignments.ELearningObject elo
INNER JOIN (SELECT UIVersionString, TimeLastModified, docs.DirName + '/' + docs.LeafName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS as Res FROM [Your_WSS_Content_DB].dbo.AllDocs docs) as L
on elo.Url = L.Res
WHERE elo.VersionLabel COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS = L.UIVersionString

9. Add 'NT Authority\Authenticated Users' to the SharePoint Learners group of the ShareKnowledge Site Collection and all users that have special roles in the system to the corresponding SharePoint groups (Instructors, Observers, Trainers, Administrators)

Alternatively if BIT is used:
- configure BIT on the new instance
- set the IsBlocked column value to 1 in the Users.User SQL table of the ShareKnowledge db with the following query

UPDATE [Your_ShareKnowledgeDB].[Users].[User] SET IsBlocked = 1 WHERE UserId <> '450F9950-F990-432D-A7F8-9DA329ECB713'

- run BIT

10. Update LMS system property Deployment.SiteCollection.