Open the “BIT.exe.config” file of the BIT tool 9.0 and make changes according to the tables below.

CSV field delimiters

ShareKnowledge 8.6 ShareKnowledge 9.0
In the “BIT.exe.config” file, all the “delimiter” attributes are set to semicolon by default. In the “BIT.exe.config” file, all the “delimiter” attributes are set to comma by default.

Tip - Open the “BIT.exe.config” file and fill out all the “delimiter” attributes with the delimiter that is currently used in your CSV files.

CSV file encoding

ShareKnowledge 8.6 ShareKnowledge 9.0
The global “encoding” attribute located in the “connector” element of the “BIT.exe.config” file does not work. The global “encoding” attribute located in the “connector” element of the “BIT.exe.config” file now works. This attribute defines the encoding for all CSV files except for the “external.csv” file.

Tip - If you did not set the “encoding” attribute for a specific CSV file in the “BIT.exe.config” file and this CSV file does not contain the byte-order mark (BOM), then please configure the global “encoding” attribute.

Email notifications for new FBA users

The BIT tool can generate email notifications for new FBA users (with credentials inside).

ShareKnowledge 8.6 ShareKnowledge 9.0
To enable this notification, you should specify the “”/“” templates’ paths in the “bodyTemplate”/“subjectTemplate” attributes of the “fbaConfiguration” section. To enable this notification, you should set the “generateAccountNotifications” parameter (which is in the “filter” section of the “BIT.exe.config” file) to “true”.
The sender is determined by the “from” attribute of the “fbaConfiguration” section. The sender is specified in the “Deployment.Mail.Address” system property (see the “Adjust System Properties” item on the “Administration” site).
The BIT tool uses the “” and the “” templates, which are located in the BIT tool’s folder. The BIT tool uses the “formsauthentication.body.txt” and the “formsauthentication.subject.txt” templates, which are stored in the root of the “ShareKnowledge Notification Templates” library on the “Administration” site.
When creating new FBA users, if the “users.csv” file contains the default email address for these users, then it will be replaced with auto-generated email addresses in the ASP.NET membership database and remain ‘as is’ for these users in the “Manage Users” item. This feature was deleted. The “defaultEmail” attribute was deleted from the “fbaConfiguration” section as well.

Tip - You can set the “requiresUniqueEmail” option to “false” for the ASP.NET membership provider in the “BIT.exe.config” file to allow assigning the same email address to multiple users. Alternatively, you can specify unique emails for these users in the “users.csv” file.

System Properties

ShareKnowledge 8.6 ShareKnowledge 9.0
The “Core.Security.NonForms.SyncUsers” system property was added. Available modes: “False” / “True”. The “Core.Security.Forms.SyncUsers” system property was added. Available modes (case-sensitive): “Minimal” / “Normal” / “Full”.

Tip - Use these two system properties to select appropriate modes of user data synchronization.
Tip - While upgrading to 9.0, the “Core.Security.NonForms.SyncUsers” property inherits the value from the “Core.DenyAccessForBlockedUsers” property.
The “Core.DenyAccessForBlockedUsers” system property is used to determine whether to delete users from the ShareKnowledge site collection after blocking them in ShareKnowledge. The “Core.DenyAccessForBlockedUsers” system property is deleted.