You need ShareKnowledge LMS 8.0.1 or later and BIT tool 8.0.2 or later.

This scenario can be used if your organization consists of multiple sub-companies that are managed independently:

  1. Create several BIT folders.
    Copy the BIT application's folder to one of the web front‑end servers of the SharePoint farm and unpack the folder (if necessary). Create several copies of this folder (by the number of independent sub-trees.)
  2. Create root departments.
    Go to ".../administration/skpages/administration/departments.aspx" and create root departments for all sub-trees.
  3. Edit the BIT.exe.config file. Populate SubtreeDepartmentId option.
    The BIT tool uses CSV files as input data. There are two modes (we recommend that you use 7-file mode since it allows for renaming job titles; 5-file mode cannot do this). Open the folder related to one of the BIT tool's instances. Edit the BIT.exe.config file located inside this folder. Please note that the SubtreeDepartmentId option must be populated with the ID of an org. unit that is the top-level unit for a sub-tree (created on step 2.)
  4. Repeat the previous step for all other instances of the BIT tool.
    All instances must differ in IDs specified in the SubtreeDepartmentId option. As a result, each specific instance will be configured to work with its specific sub-tree. Pay attention to the runAs option: you can run all instances under the same or different accounts but they must correspond to the access permissions.
  5. Prepare CSV files for each instance of the BIT tool.Run the BIT tool.
    For each instance of the BIT tool, you should prepare a set of .CSV files, which will be used as input data for this instance of the BIT tool. Each set of .CSV files must describe only the corresponding sub-tree. (The only exception is for the Position.csv and the Regions.csv files – see details below.)
    • Users.csv: this file must contain non-blocked users having positions in this sub-tree; these users may have positions in other sub-trees. If several instances of the BIT tool contains the same user in their "users.csv" files, then you should verify that these "users.csv" files contains the same information about this user (such as user ID and account, birth date, etc.); the only field that may be different for such a user in these files is the "Manager ID".
    • Structure.csv/ OrganizationalUnits.csv: these two files must contain the org. structure of this sub-tree only. Org. units that are outside of this sub-tree must not appear in these two files.
    • Links.csv / UserRoles.csv+UserPositions.csv: these three files must contain user positions and roles assigned to users in this sub-tree (these users must be listed in the corresponding "users.csv" file.) These users may also have positions and roles in other sub-trees, but such positions and roles must not appear in these three files for this sub-tree.
    • Positions.csv: please note that the positionDeleteOperationEnabled option is considered equal to False in this usage scenario (in order to prevent accidental deletion of job titles from ShareKnowledge, which might lead to accidental deletion of user positions and enrollment rules.) This file must contain job titles you are referring to from the "UserPositions.csv" file and may even contain job titles that are not used in the "UserPositions.csv" file. You may use individual "Positions.csv" files for each instance of the BIT tool or use a single "Positions.csv" file shared among all instances of the BIT tool.
    • Regions.csv: please note that the regionDeleteOperationEnabled option is considered equal to False in this usage scenario (in order to prevent accidental deletion of regions from ShareKnowledge.) This file must contain regions you are referring to from the "UserRegions.csv" file and may even contain regions that are not used in the "UserRegions.csv" file. You may use individual "Regions.csv" files for each instance of the BIT tool or use a single "Regions.csv" file shared among all instances of the BIT tool.
    • UserRegions.csv: this file must contain regions assigned to users specified in the "users.csv" file. If several instances of the BIT tool contains the same user in their "users.csv" files, then you should verify that the corresponding "UserRegions.csv" files contains the same region(s) for this user.
  6. Run the BIT tool.
    If you want to launch BIT regularly according to schedule, you should create a task in the Task Scheduler application. Since you have several instances of the BIT tool, you will have to create several tasks (one task per one instance). Their start dates and times must not overlap each other to prevent several instances from running at the same time. The BIT.exe file can also be run manually (by double-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer or by running it from the command prompt window.)
    The BIT works on the following principle: submit all correct data to ShareKnowledge and skip minor errors. The tool displays successful activities, warnings and errors in the command prompt window and saves most of this information to the "logs" folder.
  1. Place CSV files and BIT config file in different places to avoid accidental config file changes.
  2. If you use different Manager IDs for the same user in different sub-trees, each run of BIT tool will replace the manager for this user.
  3. If you remove user from one CSV file and this user doesn't have position(s) in the other sub-trees this user will be blocked in the LMS.
  4. You cannot add user without position in your sub-tree.
  5. Note that you must use unique Customer User ID and account for different users in different sub-trees.
  6. The row for the root department must be in the Structure.csv/ OrganizationalUnits.csv file.